. China Motorcycle Screen Windscreen Wind Deflector Motorcycle Windshield Visor for BMW F-750GS Manufacture and Supplier |Shentuo

Motorcycle Screen Windscreen Wind Deflector Motorcycle Windshield Visor for BMW F-750GS

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Leqephe la PMMA, re boetse re le bitsa Acrylic.Ke mofuta oa polasetiki o nang le ponahalo e ntle haholo le thermoplasticity.Ponaletso e fihla ho 99%, le 73.5% bakeng sa UV.Thepa e na le matla a matle haholo a mochini, e hanyetsanang le mocheso le ho tšoarella hantle, hape e na le ho hanyetsa kutu le ho hanyetsa Insulation.

  • Boitsebiso: PC
  • Mmala:E Hlakileng, Mosi o Leseli
  • Lebitso la sehlahisoa:Fensetere ea moea ea sethuthuthu sa BMW
  • Moetso oa sethuthuthu o ikamahanyang le maemo:BWM F-750GS windshield
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    Re na le boiphihlelo ba moetsi.Ho hapa bongata litifikeiting tsa bohlokoa tsa 'maraka oa eona bakeng sa Motorcycle Screen Windscreen Wind Deflector Motorcycle Windshield Visor bakeng sa BMW F-750GS, Haeba ho hlokahala, amohela ho letsetsa le rona ka leqephe la sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang kapa therisano ea mohala oa thekeng, re tla thaba. ho u fa.
    Re na le boiphihlelo ba moetsi.Ho hapa bongata litifikeiting tsa bohlokoa tsa 'maraka oa eona bakeng saChina Motorcycle Windshield, Windshield bakeng sa sethuthuthu, Hona joale re na le thekiso ea letsatsi lohle ea marang-rang ho etsa bonnete ba hore tšebeletso ea pele ho thekiso le ka mor'a ho rekisa ka nako.Ka litšehetso tsena kaofela, re ka sebeletsa moreki e mong le e mong ka sehlahisoa sa boleng le thomello e nakong ka boikarabello bo boholo.Ho ba k'hamphani e nyane e ntseng e hola, re kanna ra se be molemo ka ho fetisisa, empa re leka ka hohle ho ba molekane oa hau ea molemo.

    Litšobotsi tsa Lintho

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa
    BWM sethuthuthu sa moea sa sethuthuthu Sena ke se etselitsoeng BMW F750GS ka ho khetheha
    Letlole le khethehileng, le khethehileng bakeng sa BMW F750GS le entsoeng ka fenstere ea moea ea sethuthuthu, e tšoarellang nako e telele.
    PMMA sheet, re boetse re e bitsa acrylic.Ke mofuta oa polasetiki o nang le ponahalo e ntle le thermoplastic.Ponaletso ea eona e ka fihla ho 99%, UV e ka fihla ho 73.5%.Thepa e na le matla a matle a mochini, ho hanyetsa mocheso, ho tšoarella hantle, ho hanyetsa kutu le thepa ea ho kenya letsoho.
    1. Fokotsa moea o fokelang 'meleng oa mopalami ho u boloka u phutholohile nakong ea maeto a malelele
    Li-windshields tsa lithuthuthu tsa 2.IBX li entsoe ka liphanele tsa boleng bo phahameng ba PMMA ho eketsa matla le ho feto-fetoha ha skrine ka seng.Botenya ba 5mm bo thusa ho monya ho ts'oha ka lebelo le phahameng,
    3. Fana ka ho hanyetsa ho phunyeha kapa ho phunya
    4. Sireletsa mopalami moeeng, majoeng, litholeng le likokoanyanang
    5. Tšusumetso e phahameng ea boemo bo phahameng ba theknoloji e fetotsoeng ea acrylic windshield.
    Pele o reka, ka kopo etsa bonnete ba hore fenstere ea moea e lekana le sethuthuthu sa hau.Ke leboha haholo.

    Litšoantšo tsa lihlahisoa

    BWM F-750GS windshield

    BWM F-750GS windshield

    Sesebelisoa sa Sehlahisoa

    Tšebeliso ea boitsebiso
    Ka windshield ena ea sethuthuthu, phallo ea moea e ke ke ea susumetsa mopalami oa sethuthuthu nakong ea leeto le lelelele, mopalami a ka thabela ho palama hamolemo haholo.IBX e etsa moralo o motle oa sebopeho bakeng sa fenstere ea moea, e loketse sethuthuthu hantle, 'me e shebahala e khahla haholoanyane.

    BWM F-750GS windshield

    Sephutheloana sa Sehlahisoa

    Sephutheloana se ikhethileng sa lithuthuthu sa IBX, se totobatsang lebitso, ts'ireletso ea mekhahlelo e mengata, ho thibela ho roala hantle, hore o hlahise sehlahisoa se phethahetseng.

    Setsebi sa Sehlopha sa Tšebeletso ea Bareki 'me se u sebeletsa ka nako.
    Tlhahiso e potlakileng ea Warehousoasional, Netefatsa hore sehlahisoa se fihla ka 100% Boemo bo Botle.
    Lihlahisoa tsa rona li ka tiisa hore ke tsa 'nete ka ho feletseng, e le hore bareki ba reke ba bang ba kholisehile hore tšebeliso ea khotso ea kelello.Tumellano ea tšebelisano ea Khoebo ea Brand.
    U ka fumana lihlahisoa tse ts'oanang ka mekhahlelo eohle, mochini oa moea oa lithuthuthu, mochini o ka morao oa sethuthuthu, rack ea mokotla o ka pele oa sethuthuthu, lipehelo tsa lithuthuthu le lisebelisoa, jj.


    Re na le boiphihlelo ba moetsi.Ho hapa bongata litifikeiting tsa bohlokoa tsa 'maraka oa eona bakeng sa Professional Factory for China Wholesale Scooter Motorcycle Motorcycle Windscreen Wind Deflector Motorcycle Windshield Visor bakeng sa Piaggio Vespa 150, Haeba ho hlokahala, rea u amohela ho letsetsa le rona ka leqephe la sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang kapa ka therisano ea mohala oa thekeng, 're tla thabela ho u fa.
    Professional Factory bakeng saChina Motorcycle Windshield, Windshield bakeng sa sethuthuthu, Hona joale re na le thekiso ea letsatsi lohle ea marang-rang ho etsa bonnete ba hore tšebeletso ea pele ho thekiso le ka mor'a ho rekisa ka nako.Ka litšehetso tsena kaofela, re ka sebeletsa moreki e mong le e mong ka sehlahisoa sa boleng le thomello e nakong ka boikarabello bo boholo.Ho ba k'hamphani e nyane e ntseng e hola, re kanna ra se be molemo ka ho fetisisa, empa re leka ka hohle ho ba molekane oa hau ea molemo.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona